Order of the Stick Wiki

Belkar breaks out the silverware on the first Test.



Panel 1

Elan: So when you came here before, what were the Tests like?
Roy: They were... uh... they were... huh. Well that's weird.
Roy: I don't remember.

Panel 2

Roy: Hey Durkon, do you remember what the Tests were last time?
Durkon: Huh? Um... nay, lad. But I rememb'r them bein' tough.

Panel 3

Roy: Well, I think we can expect the Test of the Body to be some sort of combat, probably against a really tough monster like a manticore or chimera.
Durkon: We already fought a chimera once, lad.
Roy: Oh, right. So probably not that, then.

Panel 4

Elan: Ooo! I think I know what it might be!
Roy: A hydra?

Panel 5

The passage is blocked by a five headed hydra.
Elan: Awww, how did you guess?
Roy: Gee, the Oracle must be whispering to me from afar.

Panel 6

Belkar: He doesn't look so tough, I bet I can take him in one round.
Vaarsuvius: Actually, the hydra has superior—
Belkar: Blah blah blah I'm a boring stupid elf blah. Not listening!!

Panel 7

Belkar cuts a hydra head off: "schlurkt!"

Panel 8

Some activity at the wound...

Panel 9

Two new heads appear at the wound: "POP! POP!"

Panel 10

Haley, Elan, and Belkar stare at the new heads in surprise.

Panel 11

Belkar: That was SO FRIGGIN' COOL!!!
Elan: Do it again! Do it again!
Belkar: Hell yes!

Panel 12

Roy: Proof once again that we are the only adventurers for whom the letters, "AD&D" stand for "Attention Deficit Disorder".
Noises off panel, "schlurkt! POP! POP!"
Elan (off-panel): Oooooooo! Ahhhhhh!
Belkar (off-panel): Now I'm gonna try two at a time!

D&D Context[]

  • AD&D is also short for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, the title that D&D went under during the 1st and 2nd editions in order to distinguish it from the simpler original D&D rules.
  • Hydras in D&D are modeled on the Lernaean Hydra of Greek myth. Just like in the myth, when you strike off one of its heads, two spring up in its place.


  • The party fought the chimera Trigak in strips #17 through #21.

External Links[]
