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Order of the Stick Wiki

The Order explains some things to Serini.



Panel 1

Roy: OK, I get that your range of acceptable outcomes has broadened as the situation has deteriorated, but...you've met Xykon, right?
Serini: Of course I have! He's the one who gave me the green-and-warty makeover.

Panel 2

Serini: I'm not stupid, Greenhilt[.] I know he's an evil son of a bitch who's going to make everything worse in a hundred different ways.
Serini: But one of the unexpected side effects of getting a troll eye is that you start to see things like a troll.

Panel 3

Serini: The world will survive the villains being in charge for a while.
Serini: And if there's one way they might make it better...
Serini: ...maybe I'll be able to take that big spherical dork to visit my hometown without both of us being attacked on sight.

Panel 4

Durkon: Miss Toormuck, I appreciate ye haf strong feelin's aboot this. Na gonna lie, I nev'r thought much aboot stuff like how tha monst'r races're treated 'til now.
Durkon: Now tha I been forced ta see it from a few diff'rent angles, I cannae help but agree tha it's gotta change somehow.

Panel 5

Durkon: But the truth's tha thar's na really an option whar Xykon wins an' tha world keeps on goin' but with tha goblins or whoev'r in charge.
Roy: Right, exactly. The world literally won't survive. You want to choose Xykon over the apocalypse, but picking Xykon gets you both.

Panel 6

Belkar: Yeah, Old Boney's time in office is going to involve some sudden contractions in the real estate market, if you catch my drift.
Serini: ...No.
Lien: I absolutely do not.

Panel 7

Roy: What he means is this:
Roy: Before we came here, Belkar and I attended a meeting of the representatives of all the gods.
Roy: And the main point of discussion was destroying the world themselves, to stop the Snarl from escaping.

Panel 8

Lien: The gods were debating whether or not to destroy the world?!?
Roy: No, they were debating the timing of destroying the world-before or after Xykon achieves his goals.
Lien: Twelve Gods!!
Roy: Yeah, them too.

Panel 9

Roy: At least they were on the side of giving us one more chance.
Roy: But just letting Xykon win and then trying to clean it up afterward is not a viable option-
Roy: -because the gods have declared that they're willing and able to kill us all to keep him from using it in the exact way he and his cleric buddy intended to use it.

Panel 10

Roy: Saving the world requires removing the threat of anyone weaponizing the Snarl against the gods.
Roy: And defeating Xykon is the only path that leads there.

Panel 11

Vaarsuvius: While simultaneously refraining from releasing the Snarl ourselves via accidentially sundering the sole remaining Gate.
Durkon: An' then convincin' Redcloak ta help seal tha rifts ta end tha cycle o' billions o' other planets.
Belkar: Right, and then we clean up the vampires and replace the dwarven conference room furniture.
Roy: It's a winding road with no guardrails and some deeply stupid cul-de-sacs, but it's still technically a path.

D&D Context[]

Elan telling
"Never mind. I'll tell you now."
This comic advances the story line, but does not include any D&D references.


  • In Panel 1, Serini refers to the severe injuries received in her battle with Xykon, and the effect of the troll blood used to heal her. This traumatic event was described in comic 1227.

External Links[]
