Order of the Stick Wiki

The Barbarian is a non-lawful powerhouse melee fighting class known for their ability to go berserk with rage, though they are not known for their subtlety.

A Barbarian's Guild is located within a small town in the Redmountain Hills, near the Dungeon of Dorukan.

Characters in Order of the Stick with levels in Barbarian[]

Deceased Barbarians

Base Classes: BarbarianBardClericDruidFighterPaladinMonkRangerRogueSorcererWizard

Prestige Classes: Arcane TricksterArchmageAssassinBeastmasterDashing SwordsmanMystic TheurgeShadowdancer
Other Classes: Favored SoulNinja
NPC Classes: AristocratCommonerExpertWarrior
