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Order of the Stick Wiki

Captured, Serini bargains with Belkar.



Panel 1, Page 1

Razor bites down on Serini with a loud CHOMP!, knocking over the cauldron of amnesia potion as well.

Panel 2, Page 1

Razor lands on the floor with a flop, having swallowed Serini whole.

Panel 3, Page 1

Haley stares at Razor in shock, Belkar with indifference.

Panel 4, Page 1

Belkar: What is it with you paladin chicks and killing weird old people?!?

Panel 1, Page 2

Vaarsuvius: My, the sudden appearance of an unexpected ferocious beast is a satisfying, dare I say thrilling method of concluding this encounter.
Belkar: Shut up!
Vaarsuvius: One wonders why our party ranger did not try to deploy his own--
Belkar: Shut up!
Haley: Both of you, shut up! If Serini's dead, we need to--

Panel 2, Page 2

Lien: Everyone shut up. Serini's not dead. She's part troll, she can regenerate pretty much anything.
O-Chul: Well, except fire or acid.
Lien: Sharks don't have fire or acid!
O-Chul: You'd be surprised.

Panel 3, Page 2

Lien: The point is, we need to hurry.
Lien: Razor can't survive on dry land very long, so be ready to grab Serini when I send him back to the Celestial Ocean.

Panel 4, Page 2

Vaarusivus readies a spell, while Haley and Belkar ready grappling actions.
Haley: OK, I... guess we're ready?

Panel 5, Page 2

Lien: Good job, Razor! Fishy treats later for you!
Lien: Now return!

Panel 6, Page 2

Razor disappears with a poof, revealing Serini.
Haley: Now!

Panel 7, Page 2

Haley grapples Serini.
Serini: Get your mitts off me, you horn-knuckled swizzle brain!
Haley: So you can teleport away and lead us into more ambushes?
Serini: Yes!

Panel 8, Page 2

Haley lifts Serini off the ground.
Serini: Don't you understand, you leather-toed hill dingus? You don't got it where it counts!
Serini: You're nine silvers for a gold! You're all helm, no battle!

Panel 9, Page 2

Serini kicks Haley between the legs. "Wunk!"
Haley: Oww!
Haley: Belkar, I need your help! Stop holding back and grapple her!
Belkar: I keep getting distracted by her old-timey insults! They remind me of my grandma!

Panel 10, Page 2

Serini stops struggling and addresses Belkar.
Serini: Listen, kid: You don't owe these overgrown galoots the time of day.

Panel 11, Page 2

Serini: I got plenty of jingle-jangle stashed. Show some halfling solidarity and I'll let you get your beak wet in the process.
Serini winks at Belkar.

Panel 12, Page 2

Belkar: She even incites betrayal the way Grannie Bitterleaf did!
Haley: Belkar!!
Belkar: It would be disrespectful to the elderly to not at least haggle the price a little!

D&D Context[]

  • Lien called forth her paladin mount, Razor, in the previous comic.
  • Since trolls can regenerate rapidly, most forms of damage are non-lethal. Fire and acid are exceptions to this.


  • This is the latest appearance of:
    • Razor, Lien's shark paladin mount. He first appeared in #479, Jaws of Life.
  • Belkar's comment in panel 4 of the first comic refers to when another member of the Sapphire Guard, Miko Miyazaki, killed Lord Shojo in A Moment of Truth (406).
  • O-Chul's "You'd be surprised" in response to Lien's declaration that sharks don't have fire or acid calls back to O-Chul's encounters with the acid-breathing shark seen in "He's a Gamblin'...Thing" while he was held prisoner by Team Evil.

External Links[]
