Nale sends the fiends into the fray against the Order. Roy improvises a weapon.
- The Order of the Stick
- Roy Greenhilt ◀ ▶
- Haley Starshine ◀ ▶
- Elan ◀ ▶
- Belkar Bitterleaf ◀ ▶
- Durkon Thundershield (as vampire) ◀ ▶
- "Durkon" ◀ ▶
- The Linear Guild
- Girard Draketooth (also as statue) ◀ ▶
- Spiky the Barbed Devil ◀ ▶
- Zz'dtri's Piscodaemon ◀ ▶
- The Silicon Elemental ◀ ▶
- Panel 1
Nale, Malack and Zz'dtri, along with Spiky and the piscoloth approach the crater where the silicon elemental attacks Haley and Belkar.
Nale: They made it out ALIVE? How is THAT fair?!?
- Panel 2
Zz’dtri: Attack?
Nale: Tempting. But I'm not taking any risks when there's no prize to win.
Nale: Although... send your daemon down into the pit. No reason to let its services go to waste.
Durkon: Should I send my devil too, Master?
Malack: I suppose. I cannot shield them forever.
- Panel 3
Cut to the crater. Spiky and the piscoloth approach Roy from behind.
Roy: Belkar, strike at its hand-blob! Get Haley free so she can—
- Panel 4
Elan: Get away from him! We didn't order the surf-and-turf!
Elan stabs the piscoloth, "shishkabob!"
- Panel 5
Elan is grappled by Spiky, "rasp rasp rasp"
Elan: Ow! Ow! Roy, help! I think he's nuzzling me to death!
Roy: Haley! I really need my sword back!!
- Panel 6
Cut to Belkar who has his daggers sunk into the elemental's arm while Haley is being crushed by its hand.
Belkar: Haley can't come to the battle right now.
Belkar: Leave your name and number and she'll get back to you when she can breathe again.
Haley: Kllrrghthctk!
- Panel 7
Cut back to Roy.
Elan (off-panel): OW!! This is just like the cactus fight all over again!
Roy: Ok, OK... think.
Roy: ...
Roy: Got it.
- Panel 8
Roy finds the sarcophagus of Girard Draketooth, and pries off the lid, "snap! clank!"
Roy: Hrrrrrrrn!
- Panel 9
Roy swings the sarcophagus lid, striking both Spiky and the piscoloth in a single blow, "POW!"
- Panel 10
Elan: Wow, I think you made them mad enough to blow a casket!
Roy: Elan, save the puns until you're ready to attack.
Elan: Oh, right. Sorry.
D&D Context[]
- Elan uses puns to allow him to use his Charisma for attack rolls thanks to his Dashing Swordsman prestige class.
- The fiends were summoned back in #883, Fiend Swap. This strip specifies Zz'dtri's as a daemon and High Priest of Hel's as a devil. Based on their appearances it has been assumed that Spiky is a barbed devil and the daemon is a piscoloth.
- Elan fought a cactus for its flower as a gift to Haley in #692.