Order of the Stick Wiki

The Order is joined by Seirin's Mimic, Mimi.



Panel 1

Elan: This is great! Heading toward a dungeon together with the friends we made along the way.
Elan: It's like we got exclusive bonus heroes because we pre-ordered!
Durkon: Och, we're "Order o' tha Stick: Deluxe Edition!"
Lien: I prefer to think of us as "Sapphire Guard: Extended Director's Cut with Alternate Ending."

Panel 2

Bloodfeast is agitated and is being tended to by Belkar.
Bloodfeast: klyaa! klyaaa!
Belkar: OK, OK, calm down! I don't know what has you so worked up but you don't have to go back in the bag.
Elan: Roy, I've been thinking.
Roy: Sure, let's roll the dice.

Panel 3

Elan: It's about where we're going. About whether we're taking it seriously enough.
Roy: Really? Well, I think we're taking a reasonable level of precautions, but if you had something specific in mind, I'm willing to listen.

Panel 4

Elan: Great! I think we should start capitalizing the phrase "final dungeon".
Roy: ...What?
Elan: I just really think it'll give it that extra bit of oomph for any climactic set-piece battles we have.

Panel 5

Roy: Elan, we're not going to start capitalizing Final Dungeon, we've already said it a dozen...
Roy: ...times...
Roy: Damn it.

Panel 6

Belkar: So which of these tunnels are we going in? Since they all lead to the Final Dungeon.
Roy: *sigh*
Roy: We should just stick with the one we were in when Sunny lured us away.
Roy: Among other factors, we know Xykon and Redcloak just cleared it out again, so we don't need to worry about-

Panel 7

Mimi the mimic suddenly emerges in front of Roy.
Roy: GAH!
Roy: Oh, right—the giant mimic.
Serini: Mimi.
Roy: Right, Mimi.
Serini: She wants to know if she should come with.

Panel 8

Roy: Sure, if she's willing. Every tool in the toolbox could be the one that finishes the job.
Roy: But maybe she should ride on Sunny or something? I don't want to limit ourselves to "undulating blob" pace.
Serini: I don't think that will be a problem. Right, Mimi?

Panel 9

Mimi begins undulating—spluurrrr

Panel 10

Mimi takes on humanoid form—SPLOP!

Panel 11

Roy: Great! Let's keep mov—
Belkar: Wait, hold on. What's, uh...
Belkar: What's going on with those hands?

Panel 12

The panel focuses on Mimi's hands. They have five fingers rather than three.

Panel 13

Elan: Ewww, gross!
Belkar: Haha, wow, that is not the right number of fingers!
Serini: Yeah, it's weird. They can copy anything but for some reason they always mess up the hands.

D&D Context[]

Mimics can assume the general shape of any object whose mass is roughly equal to theirs. However, they typically cannot, by D&D 3.5e rules, take any humanoid or animal form, suggesting that Mimi is an irregular mimic, in addition to her being Medium-sized. See the Mimi page for more details.


  • The comments about the mimics having trouble copying hands (including the right number of fingers), as well as the title of the comic, references the troubles the early AI-powered drawing bots had when rendering said features at the time of the comic (early 2023). In fact, the bots' learning curve (referenced by the title) was so fast that by mid-2023, the joke had already become mostly obsolete. Mostly.
  • This is the first time we see Mimi take humanoid form.

External Links[]
