This category contains all the comics in the Order of the Stick.
Using {{Comic Infobox}} will add a comic page to this category, and do so in alphabetical order, so the usual category tag should not be used for such pages.
Trending pages
A Vexation Or Irritation -
Fun While It Lasted -
Copper Piece Arcade -
Get the Lead Out -
A Walk in the Park -
The Cost of Freedom -
No Cure for the Wedding Bell Blues -
No Plan Survives Contact with One's Allies
All items (1336)
- A Battle of Attrition
- A Battle of Wits
- A Bird in Hand
- A Bit Too Revealing
- A Blissful Marriage
- A Brief Intermission
- A Brief Tribute
- A Calling Missed
- A Change of Scale
- A Comic as Lovely as a Tree
- A Cut Above
- A Dish Best Served Warm, After All
- A Dish Best Served With +1d6 Cold Damage
- A Dragon's Victory
- A Familiar Conclusion
- A Familiar Face
- A Grand Experiment
- A Healer's Reason
- A Heartfelt Moment
- A Higher Calling Calling
- A Is Always A
- A Kill By Any Other Name
- A Leper Can't Change His Spots
- A Lesson in Leadership
- A Lesson in Resource Management
- A Lot at Stake
- A Lot Can Happen in Ten Minutes
- A Man, A Dwarf, and a Kitty
- A Matter of Perspective
- A Mile in His Shoes
- A Minor Glitch
- A Moment of Truth (285)
- A Moment of Truth (406)
- A Momentary Experience
- A New Friend
- A New Strategy
- A Paladin's Duty
- A Piece of His Mind
- A Reason to Keep Trying
- A Seasoned Woodsman
- A Seller's Market
- A Sergeant and a Sapper
- A Sight for Sore Eyes
- A Sign That You Have a Problem
- A Slick Getaway
- A Sombering Oration
- A Song for the Departed
- A Special Pre-Approved Offer
- A Study in Viridian
- A Sure Bet
- A Sympathetic Ear
- A Tale of Two Paladins
- A Tale of Two Suppers
- A Taste of Victory
- A Touch of Death
- A Triumphant Return
- A Vexation Or Irritation
- A Walk in the Park
- A Wizard Did It
- A Wizard's Work
- About Town
- Acid Redux
- Acid Wash
- Actually, She Did
- Actually, That's Probably You
- Advanced (S)wordplay
- Advanced Color Theory
- Advanced Dates & Dinners
- Adventurers Are Coming! Adventurers Are Coming!
- Afraid So
- Afterdeath
- Air Mail
- Alignment Differences
- All Along the Watchtower
- All Available Resources
- All Clear
- All Downhill
- All Hands on Deck
- All Hands on Trend
- All in the Family (681)
- All in the Family (842)
- All of the Above, Actually
- All Too Easy
- All You Need is Love and Improvised Thieves' Tools
- All-You-Can-Eat Brain Buffet
- Allies Like This
- Also an Uncanny Resemblance
- Also, "Chib" Would Have Been Acceptable
- Also, At Lower Altitude
- Also, His Popularity Has Waned
- Also, She Needs Her Clothes Back Now
- Also, the Desert is Dry
- Always a Good Rule of Thumb
- Always Hiring
- Amoral Dilemma
- An Alternate Hypothesis
- An Animated Discussion
- An Attack on Two Levels
- An Easy Mistake
- An Introduction to Comparative Theology
- An Opponent or Rival Whom a Person Cannot Overcome
- An Unsung Legend
- An Uplifting Discussion
- And I-I-I-I Will Always Love You
- ...And It Feels So Good
- And It Will Never Work Again
- And Maybe a Change of Shoes
- And Poorly Lit Signs
- And the Squishier Ones, Too
- And They Got Extra Credit For It, Too
- And Yes, There is a Santa Claus
- And Yet the Turtle Got Away on His Own
- And Yet, the Canned Meat Merchant Still Gets Through
- And Your Souls for Free
- Animal Instincts
- Another Choice
- Another Helping
- Answering the Callback
- Anti-Human Resources
- Antipathy for the Devil
- AR&R
- Arcanolypse Now
- Area of Affect
- Armor Begone
- Arrow Time
- As Good an Explanation as is Forthcoming
- Ask Your Grandparents
- Assistance Needed
- Assorted Situational Uses
- At Least It Wasn't the Fourth Wall Again
- At Least There Weren't Any Cryptograms
- At Least You Get Course Credit
- At the End of the Day
- Aw, Rats!
- Babysitter Club Flush
- Back from the Pit
- Back to the Action
- Bailout Plan
- Bait the Rainbow
- Bardic Nudity
- Bargain Hunter
- Bathroom Humor
- Batter's Eye
- Battle Cry
- Battle Momentum
- Be Prepared
- Beast Practices
- Beats Pay-Per-View
- Because Good is Dumb
- Because Really, That Would Be Less Improbable
- Because Reasons
- Because They Got Lonely in the Bag
- Bedtime for Elan
- Behind the Eyes
- Behind the Secret Door
- Belkar Leashed
- Belkar Unleashed
- Best Laid Plans
- Bet It Would Get Funded on Kickstarter
- Better Days
- Better Left in the Past
- Better Served Cold Anyway
- Better Than One
- Big Feelings
- Bing Crosby's Got Nothing On Us
- Bird Brained
- Bird's Eye View
- Bite Sized
- Biting the Hand that Feeds Me
- Black and Blue
- Blame the Hormones
- Blast from the Past
- Block and Tackle
- Blow the Lid Off
- Book Nook
- Boons
- Bound to Happen