Order of the Stick Wiki



Panel 1

The panel shows the illusory Serini, the present Serini and Roy standing to the left of the opened portal.
Young Serini (Illusion): But now the greatest challenge yet awaits you! The biggest, toughest, most unfair dungeon of them all!
Serini: Stop hyping it up, you loon! It's a defense system, not an amusement park!
Roy: I would like to enter the big swirling portal now, if that's OK.
Serini: Yeah, yeah, keep your socks on.

Panel 2

The panel expands to show Serini entering the portal, with Roy just stepping into it and Haley, O-Chul, Elan, Minrah, Belkar, Mr. Scruffy, Bloodfeast, Lien and Vaarsuvius lined up behind him.
Elan: Woooo! Final Dungeon! Final Dungeon! Final-
Belkar: Big deal. Is it even really a dungeon if everything's frozen?
Elan: Oh, it's the "final" part that's exciting. Think of all the climactic potential!
O-Chul: I, for one, would be perfectly satisfied with a boring anticlimax.
Haley: I don't know, we're still the weaker team. A quick ending probably isn't us winning.

Panel 3

The panel shows Serini, Roy, Haley, O-Chul and Elan swirling through the portal.

Panel 4

The panel shows O-Chul and Elan falling out of the exit portal, with Haley and Roy in midair and Serini having already landed.

Panel 5

O-Chul and Roy land hard on the ground with a THUNK! each, while Haley has landed on her feet and catches the falling Elan in her arms. CATCH!

Panel 6

O-Chul stands up with a swirly line over his head as Roy addresses Serini.
Unknown: (off-panel) Oww!
Unknown: (off-panel) Sorry!
Roy: You could have warned us about the direction change!
Serini: Hey, I didn't tell you to land on the part you didn't wrap in metal.

Panel 7

The panel shows Haley approaching a door as Serini points at it.
Serini: Anyway, you should probably check that door.
Haley: Is there... a trap?
Serini: Beats me.
Haley: I thought you said you remembered everything!
Serini: I do! I remember that's the sort of place I like to put traps!

Panel 8

Roy approaches Haley as the latter checks the door for traps.
Haley: (whispering) Why can't we be dealing with the young version in the illusion? She at least seemed like she had her gear stowed more securely.
Roy: (whispering) Given everything she's been through, I'm willing to give our Serini credit for keeping us together as well as she has.
Haley: (whispering) I guess. All clear.

Panel 9

Roy looks backwards as he opens the door.
Roy: (whispering) Though I admit I may feel that way because Young Serini isn't an actual option.
Roy: (whispering) No sense dwelling on the past when you can't ever...

Panel 10

Roy steps through the door, entering a hallway that looks like one being located inside the Dungeon of Dorukan.
Roy: ...go back.

D&D Context[]


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