The Dashing Swordsman is a Prestige Class that allows one to harness their natural charm to, in the words of Julio Scoundrél, "turn you into a real bonafide wisecracking, swashbuckling, damsel-saving action hero". It allows the character to substitute their Charisma bonus for their Strength bonus to damage when they wield a rapier, so long as they make a witty pun or catchphrase when attacking. Dashing Swordsmen are also immune to damage from shattered glass, so as to make dramatic entrances easier. Dashing Swordsmen cannot wear armor.
The class was discovered by Julio Scoundrél in an old third party sourcebook he found gathering dust in a discount bin, and he shared its knowledge with his protégé, Elan.
The Dashing Swordsman class does not come from any official D&D sourcebook, but was made up by Rich Burlew specifically for the comic. However, some fans have since made their renditions of it as a homebrew prestige class.
Characters in Order of the Stick with levels in Dashing Swordsman[]
Classes |
Base Classes: Barbarian • Bard • Cleric • Druid • Fighter • Paladin • Monk • Ranger • Rogue • Sorcerer • Wizard Prestige Classes: Arcane Trickster • Archmage • Assassin • Beastmaster • Dashing Swordsman • Mystic Theurge • Shadowdancer |