Order of the Stick Wiki



Panel 1

The panel shows Belkar, Durkon, Roy and Serini approaching what looks like the end of one of Serini's tunnels, with dead monsters surrounding them.
Roy: Dead end.
Belkar: Ba-dump bump.
Roy: Is this the final room or is there a secret door somewhere?
Serini: You build a few hundred of these and you lose interest in fancy floorplans. This is it.

Panel 2

Serini taps one of the lines on the floor with her staff. TAP TAP TAP
Serini: Now I just need to spring the trap.
Serini: I did put each one in a slightly different spot, but it should be-

Panel 3

Serini is hit in her behind by a small yellow energy bolt from the floor. BZZT!
Serini: Woo!

Panel 4

The panel shows Roy standing behind Serini.
Roy: Are you OK??
Serini: Yeah, yeah. It's just been a while. I forgot how much jam it puts on the old toasted biscuit, if you know what I'm saying.
Roy: I honestly do not.

Panel 5

A portal starts to open in front of Roy and Serini. QUUUURMM
Serini: Ah, see, here we go. Told you it would still work.

Panel 6

The panel shifts to show Roy and Serini from behind as an illusion of Serini's younger self appears in the fully opened portal.
Roy: Wait, is that-?
Serini: Ugh, I forgot about this daffy brat, too.
Young Serini (Illusion): Greetings, brave adventurers!

Panel 7

The panel shifts back to a side view as Serini tries to bonk her younger self on the head with her staff, but it passes through the illusion. WOOZH!
Young Serini (Illusion): I'm Serini Toormuck-or at least an illusionary recording of her, haha!
Serini: Oh, shut up! Shut up! Nobody cares!

Panel 8

The illusionary Serini continues her explanation as her present self points at her.
Young Serini (Illusion): Congratulations on defating the first stage of Kraagor's Tomb, proving you have as much persistance and dedication as you have strength.
Serini: It doesn't prove anything! It was just the best idea you could come up with because you're young! And stupid!
Serini: And have no idea what you're committing to, you weak-soled bridge-buyer!

Panel 9

The panel cuts to outside the room, where Durkon, Lien, Belkar and O-Chul are standing in a row.
Lien: So, uh, this feels... not healthy?
Durkon: Oh na, na, lemme assure ye: Yellin' at yer own face c'n haf great theraputic value, turns out.
Serini: (off-panel) And you don't appreciate your left hand enough! Clipping fingernails is still on Easy mode for you!!

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