Order of the Stick Wiki

The Fighter is a class that specializes usually in melee combat. They are often stereotyped as being stupid and are usually trained at Fighter colleges, most notably Bash University. Fighters are often held in low regard, with even Thog disparaging the idea of taking more than one or two levels in the class; one of Roy's stated motivations is to prove the stereotype false.

Characters in Order of the Stick with levels in Fighter[]

Deceased Fighters[]

Base Classes: BarbarianBardClericDruidFighterPaladinMonkRangerRogueSorcererWizard

Prestige Classes: Arcane TricksterArchmageAssassinBeastmasterDashing SwordsmanMystic TheurgeShadowdancer
Other Classes: Favored SoulNinja
NPC Classes: AristocratCommonerExpertWarrior
