Order of the Stick Wiki
Order of the Stick Wiki



Panel 1

The panel shows a close-up of Calder's head, with Belkar's dagger still stuck in his flesh behind his eye.
Calder: Wait...what am I doing? I am better than this.
Calder: My captivity has allowed my emotions to overwhelm my judgment.

Panel 2

The panel zooms back to show Calder bending his head down and pulling the dagger out of his flesh.
Calder: I can visit my vengeange upon the halfling -all the halflings- at my leisure, once I escape from here.
Calder: I must flee, and rebuild my cult's power in this land.

Panel 3

The panel shifts to Belkar on Calder's back, holding onto the dragon with his second dagger and pointing to the right with his free hand.
Belkar: Fat chance, fireboy! You're gonna die in a hole in the ground!
Belkar: Bloodfeast, the wings! Go for the wings!

Panel 4

The panel expands to show Bloodfeast going up on Calder's back, biting the dragon's wings to snap his wing bones and shred the wing membranes with his teeth. Haley, her bow drawn, is hovering above Bloodfeast, while Roy stands in front of Calder, the Greenhilt Sword raised and ready. SNAP!
Calder: AAARGH!!

Panel 5

The panel shows Calder craning his head back to look at Belkar, his eye and right claw surrounded by yellow energy as the dragon begins to cast a spell.
Calder: How telling... that you think only in terms of mundany physical motion.
Calder: My options are more... expansive.
Calder: Greater Telep-

Panel 6

The panel cuts to Roy jumping up and slashing at Calder's claw, using the Spellsplinter Maneuver to cause Calder's spell to fizzle out. fizzle!

Panel 7

The panel shows Roy landing back on his feet, with Serini standing behind him and Elan facing the two of them.
Serini: Greenhilt, don't waste your time!
Serini: This whole place is warded to prevent any kind of dimensional travel, in or out!
Roy: Yes, I know that, but I'm not taking the chance that he doesn't have some way around it.
Roy: You know how magic can get.

Panel 8

The panel cuts to a duel between an arcane and a divine caster, with the arcane caster wearing a black robe with a green belt and a pale green cloak, while the divine caster wears a yellow robe and hat with a red belt and a red scarf around their shoulders.
Arcane Caster: Finger of Death!
Divine Caster: I have a Death Ward-
Arcane Caster: Dispel Magic!
Divine Caster: -and a Dispelling Buffer!
Arcane Caster: Buffer Penetration!
Divine Caster: Buffer Penetration Ward!
Arcane Caster: Dispel Buffer Penetration Ward!
Divine Caster: Dispel Buffer Penetration Ward Buffer!

D&D Context[]

  • Teleport is a spell that instantly transports the caster to a designated destination, on the same plane. The spell has a number of limitations, by RAW, but some of them aren't as severe in the OoTS version. Still, there is a risk of arriving off target, which the Greater variation removes.
  • Finger of Death allows the caster to slay any one living creature within close range (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels). The target is entitled to a Fortitude saving throw to survive the attack. If the save is successful, the creature instead takes 3d6 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +25). Even if the saving throw is successful, the target might die from the damage.
  • Death Ward renders the subject immune to all death spells, magical death effects, energy drain, and any negative energy effects. The spell doesn’t remove negative levels that the subject has already gained, nor does it affect the saving throw necessary 24 hours after gaining a negative level. Death Ward does not protect against other sorts of attacks even if those attacks might be lethal.
  • Dispel Magic is a spell that can be used to end ongoing spells that have been cast on a creature or object, to temporarily suppress the magical abilities of a magic item, to end ongoing spells (or at least their effects) within an area, or to counter another spellcaster’s spell. A dispelled spell ends as if its duration had expired.


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