Nale takes command of the Linear Guild as they explore the interior of Girard's pyramid. Malack turns the naturally mummified Draketooth family into undead mummies. Qarr finds a funny (to him) joke.
- The Linear Guild
- Soul-Muncher ◀ ▶
- The Draketooth Family
- Draketooth with Braided Hair (as mummy) ◀ ▶
- Draketooth with Bodice (as mummy) ◀ ▶
- Draketooth with Goatee (as mummy) ◀ ▶
- Draketooth with Ponytail (as mummy) ◀ ▶
- Draketooth with Purple Shirt (as mummy) ◀ ▶
- Draketooth with Belt (as mummy) ◀ ▶
- Draketooth by Entrance ◀ ▶
- Pictures of the Draketooths on the wall:
- Girard Draketooth (on Genealogical Chart) ◀ ▶
- Draketooth Genealogy ◀
- Draketooth Progenitor Dragon ◀
- Panel 1
The Linear Guild explores the pyramid.
Nale: I don't know…I just—I know Dad has a scheme he's playing here, I just can't figure it out.
Sabine: Baby, you've got this. This is in the bag. Tarquin is dancing on your strings.
- Panel 2
Nale: Yeah…yeah, you're right. He's working for me. The Gate is totally useless to him without my help.
Sabine: Whatever happens, I'm proud of you. Now get in there and take command!
- Panel 3
Nale and Sabine enter the dining hall with hieroglyphs on the walls. Tarquin and Malack are already inside.
Tarquin: —I'm just surprised. I always thought you were against this sort of thing.
Malack: I am. But Lord Nergal has blessed us with an abundance of a relatively scarce resource.
Malack: If I were not to make full use of it…
- Panel 4
Malack has raised the Draketooth family, turning them into mummies.
Malack: …it would just be rude.
Draketooth with Ponytail: make full use
Draketooth with Belt: rude
Draketooth with Bodice: blessed us
- Panel 5
Tarquin: Well, Nale, you're in charge here. What's the plan?
Nale: We follow the Order of the Stick down into the pyramid. Keep the pressure on them until they find the Gate.
Nale: Malack, I want you in back, minions out front.
Nale: If we corner them by accident, we can fall back while they fight the mummies for a while.
Draketooth with Ponytail: by accident
Draketooth with Goatee: find the gate
- Panel 6
Nale: Dad, since you've got True Seeing, follow the mummies and keep an eye out for any illusions that might be left.
Tarquin: As you command, fair leader!
Nale: And cut the fake servility.
Tarquin: By your will, it shall be so!
- Panel 7
Nale: Sabine, stay close to me.
Sabine: Always, honey.
Nale: Kilkil, stay close to my dad.
Kilkil: I'm not calling him "honey."
Nale: And Zz'dtri—
- Panel 8
Qarr laughs and points at the Draketooth family tree.
Nale: —try to get your imp to stop laughing.
Qarr: Bwa ha ha ha ha ha—oh! Oh!
Qarr: They're related! They're all—Don't you get it? Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
D&D Context[]
- Malack used Create Undead, a 6th level spell, to turn the Draketooths into Mummies.
- The Draketooths were already natural mummies from the dry desert air, as Durkon notes in #842.
- This is the final appearance of the various Draketooths portrayed in the Draketooth Genealogy, including the Draketooth Progenitor Dragon. They first appeared in #841.
- Qarr has of course just figured out the full impact of the Familicide spell on the Draketooth Family.
- The Draketooth on the floor in Panel 4, Draketooth by Entrance, is copied directly from #841, which result's in his outline being much thicker than any of the surrounding characters.