Order of the Stick Wiki
Order of the Stick Wiki



Panel 1

The panel shows Calder and Bloodfeast facing each other, with Belkar holding onto the dragon's neck via a dagger he had plunged into Calder's flesh.
Calder: As you wish, insolent beast!
Calder: I shall be satisfied to make a banquet of you instead!
Bloodfeast: RAWWR!

Panel 2

The panel focuses on Calder's head and Bloodfeast as the dragon hits the Allosaurus with his fire breath.
Calder: One best served piping hot!

Panel 3

The panel cuts to Belkar on Calder's neck.
Belkar: Don't let this...Ngh! ... loser push you around!
Belkar: Rip him up, Bloodfeast! Attack!

Panel 4

The panel zooms out to show Calder and Bloodfeast sinking their teeth into each other's legs while Belkar sinks both of his daggers into the dragon's neck, Roy slashing him with the Greenhilt Sword, and Serini shooting a crossbow bolt into the dragon's right leg, which is the one Bloodfeast has sunk his teeth into. An arrow, presumably fired by Haley, is flying towards Calder's head from off-panel, while a lightning bolt, presumably cast by Vaarsuvius, hits Calder's back. Meanwhile, Minrah is casting an unnamed touch spell on Bloodfeast.

Panel 5

The panel focuses on Roy as the fighter slashes Calder's body with his sword.
Roy: We need to wrap this up! We're wasting time and resources we might need to fight Xykon!

Panel 6

The panel cuts to Calder's head as he bends his neck to the left, presumably to look down at Roy, while Belkar continues to hold onto him.
Calder: Resources?? You think me a mere obstacle on your way to greater glory, human?
Calder: I am Calder!

Panel 7

The panel focuses on Calder's head.
Calder: For the crime of displeasing me, I have ordered better men than you to immolate themselves, and been obeyed!
Calder: You will learn to-

Panel 8

The panel zooms out to show Belkar casually flicking one of his daggers into Calder's left eyebrow from behind. THUNK
Belkar: Yeah, and we've interrupted better villain speeches than yours.
Calder: Ahhh!

Panel 9

The panel shows Belkar doing a backflip off Calder's neck as the dragon tries to smack him with his claw, as if the halfling was nothing more than a bothersome insect.
Belkar: Hell, the dwarf has given better ones, am I right?

Panel 10

The panel cuts to Durkon, Blackwing, and Vaarsuvius as the dwarf cleric is casting an unnamed touch spell on the elf wizard, with Durkon pointing at his own head with his free hand.
Durkon: Tha was na me! I already told ye, tha was tha tiny me in me head! Tha other me!
Blackwing: Hey, I'm sure he would've said your villain speeches were good, too, if he'd been there to hear them.
Vaarsuvius: Yes, thank you, that was my primary concern.

D&D Context[]

  • The breath weapon of an Ancient Red Dragon deals 20d10 points of fire damage, with an average of 110 points of damage.
  • Lightning Bolt is a spell dealing 1d6 points of electricity damage per caster level, up to a maximum of 10d6 points of damage, in a straight line with a maximum length of 120 feet.
  • The spells cast by Minrah and Durkon on Bloodfeast and Vaarsuvius are not named on-panel, but can be safely presumed to be spells of the Cure Wounds family.


  • In the last panel, Durkon is referencing the time period during which the High Priest of Hel was in control of his body, while Blackwing and Vaarsuvius refer to the time period when the elf wizard was under the effect of the Soul Splice.

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