Order of the Stick Wiki
Redmountain Hills

Locations in Redmountain Hills

The Redmountain Hills are a range of hills in the Northern Continent. Crooked Mountain is a peak in the Redmountain Hills, and the the location of the Dungeon of Dorukan. It was there that Dorukan guarded Dorukan's Gate as well as his sanctuary where he locked away The Talisman of Dorukan. The mountain was protected from divination and intrusion by the epic spell Cloister.

Dorukan fought and was defeated by Xykon in the skies above the hills in 1183, and the gate, dungeon and mountain were ultimately destroyed when Elan caused the destruction of the gate late in that same year.

Somewhere in the hills or close by there is a village where the Order of the Stick received training and supplies after defeating Xykon.

Northern Continent
Northern Continent
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