Serini and her allies ambush the Order.
- The Order of the Stick
- Mr. Scruffy ◀ ▶
- Minrah Shaleshoe ◀ ▶
- Serini Toormuck (invisible) ◀ ▶
- Sunny ◀ ▶
- Mimi ◀ ▶
- Panel 1, Page 1
Haley (thinking): So we have a tall cylinder room. No ledges, no other exits I can see.
Haley (thinking): Elan, honey? Are you in here? It's me.
- Panel 2, Page 1
Haley (thinking): There you are!
Elan (thinking): Haley!! I'm so sorry, I know I shouldn't have run off, I didn't want to, but—
Haley (thinking): It's OK, Elan. It's OK. I'm not mad, I'm just glad you're safe. Is there anyone else in here?
Elan (thinking): Besides Lutey? I don't think so.
Haley (thinking): Then how about you pick up Lutey and come back out with me?
- Panel 3, Page 1
Elan (thinking): I would, but there's an invisible force holding me here and oh, wait, that's really important.
Elan (thinking): What if you went back out and came in again and I tell you right away?
- Panel 4, Page 1
Haley (thinking off-panel): I think we're going to need some magical help in here.
Roy (thinking): Then we're going in together. I don't want us getting further separated.
- Panel 5, Page 1
Mimi crawls toward the cave opening as the Order goes in.
Roy (thinking): V, be ready to blast whatever inevitably jumps out at us in here.
- Panel 6, Page 1
Mimi molds into the opening—"skkkklrrrrtt—"
- Panel 7, Page 1
—and seals it closed—"SHNNK!"
Roy: What the—? Come on, we specifically looked for that!
Haley: I want to be clear that I never accepted that bet.
Belkar: We had a whole second dwarf and we still didn't notice unusual stonework?
Minrah: Hey, not all dwarves are good with rocks, that's just a tired ethnic stereotype.
- Panel 8, Page 1
Durkon: Dinnae worry, Roy. I can open it right back up.
Durkon: Stone Shape!
- Panel 9, Page 1
Durkon: Huh. It dinnae work.
Vaarsuvius (thinking): I do have one instance of the spell Passwall prepared on a scroll.
Roy (thinking): Yeah, that sounds like a plan. But let's get Elan free first so we can get—
- Panel 10, Page 1
Serini: OK, kid. Mimi shut the door. Your turn, before they realize she's not really stone.
Serini: Let's see that big beautiful peeper of yours.
Sunny: Got it, Boss!
- Panel 11, Page 1
Sunny starts opening their eye.
- Panel 1, Page 2
Vaarsuvius' Light disappears, and they crash onto the ground—WUMP!
Belkar: Hey! Who dispelled the Light?!
Elan: Oh! I'm free! I can move!
- Panel 2, Page 2
Roy: Wow, an ambush? What a completely unexpected surprise.
Roy: Whoever you are, you might as well come out and talk because it's going to take more than a Darkness spell or whatever to —
- Panel 3, Page 2
Two poison darts hit Roy—"fft! fft!"
- Panel 4, Page 2
Roy collapses onto the ground—"WUMP!"
Haley: What is that noise? Why do things keep going "wump"??
- Panel 5, Page 2
Durkon: Och, Roy's down! Some kinda poison dart!
Haley: Did you see where it came from? V, can we get the light back?
Vaarsuvius: Based on my simultaneous rapid descent and the suspension of our telepathic connection, my conjecture is —
Minrah: *gasp!* Durkon! Look!!
- Panel 6, Page 2
Durkon: Och, is tha wha I think it be??
Serini (off-panel): Awww, sorry, is it too scary in the dark for you children?
- Panel 7, Page 2
An invisible Serini perches on a Beholder.
Serini: How about you all take a little nap and forget any of this ever happened?
Sunny: Hi! My name is Sunny!
Serini: Don't tell them your name! We're trying to be intimidating!
Sunny: Oh, sorry. Mom says I'm not supposed to tell you my—
Serini: Don't call me Mom when we're working!!
Sunny: Sorry, Boss.
D&D Context[]
- Belkar's comment about "unusual stonework" refers to dwarfs' Stonecunning racial trait, which gives them a bonus to Search checks to notice unusual stonework (or things disguised as stone, such as Mimi) and allows them to make such checks even if not actively searching. They can also find traps in stonework in the same way rogues can.
- Stone shape is a 3rd level cleric spell that allows the caster to mould existing stone into any shape desired, though fine details aren't possible. Of course, it doesn't work on Mimi, who isn't made of stone.
- As a Beholder, Sunny's central eye projects an anti-magic field, which suppresses, but does not dispel, the Order's magic, including V's flight and light spells, the telepathic bond the party shared, and all their magic items. (Magic armor and weapons still work as though they weren't magical.) Elan's bard song would also fail if he tried to use it.
- This is the first obvious appearance of Mimi, a mimic and another of Serini's allies.
- Sunny is widely believed to be the ally who only appeared on one page, which is mentioned in the commentary of Utterly Dwarfed.