Order of the Stick Wiki

A Sorcerer is a magic user who rather then studying magic, is born with innate magical abilities. These abilities give the sorcerer less versatility then a wizard, but they have more raw power. Due to this, many wizards view them as less skilled or competent, with them being compared to an idiot savant.

Characters in Order of the Stick with levels in Sorcerer[]

Deceased Sorcerers[]

Base Classes: BarbarianBardClericDruidFighterPaladinMonkRangerRogueSorcererWizard

Prestige Classes: Arcane TricksterArchmageAssassinBeastmasterDashing SwordsmanMystic TheurgeShadowdancer
Other Classes: Favored SoulNinja
NPC Classes: AristocratCommonerExpertWarrior
