Haley's feminine wiles help her escape her captor, but something seems to be missing....
- Haley Starshine ◀ ▶
- "Zit Boy" ◀ ▶
- The Fiendish Dean of Admissions for an Evil Ivy League College
- Panel 1
Haley opens an eye
- Panel 2
Haley sits up
Haley: Uhhhhh... my head...
- Panel 3
Haley: Hey, I thought you were Lawful Good.
Zit Boy: Meh, turned out to be a phase I was going through.
- Panel 4
Zit Boy: Besides, Xykon offered to write me a good recommendation for college if I betrayed one of you.
- Panel 5
Cut to a demonic dean looking at applications.
Zit Boy (inset): Do you have any idea how hard it is to get into the Evil Ivy League?
Dean: Hmmm, well, his grades are good, but he's lacking in evil extracurriculars.
- Panel 6
Haley: Wow. That's really impressive.
Zit Boy: Really?
Haley: Oh Yeah. I can't believe I never noticed this side of you before.
- Panel 7
Haley: Tell me more of your diabolical scheme, so that I can swoon at your manly evilness.
Zit Boy: Uh...OK!
- Panel 8
Zit Boy: Well, Xykon wanted one of you captured because he has this magical rune thing that needs to be touched by someone with a pure heart.
Haley: You don't say?
Zit Boy: Yeah, he's got some big gate. That's why I'm bringing you to see him.
- Panel 9
Haley: Wow, you really got me good.
Zit Boy: Yeah?
Haley: I'm completely at your mercy.
Zit Boy: Yeah.
- Panel 10
Haley and the goblin lean to kiss each other.
Haley: You can do...anything...you want.
Zit Boy: Yeah.
- Panel 11
Haley knocks the goblin out with her head, "THUNK!"
- Panel 12
Haley shakes off her ropes
Haley: Loser.
- Panel 13
Haley: And here I thought that there would be something special for the 100th episode.
D&D Context[]
- Sneak Attack is an ability of the Rogue class.
- CR 1 refers to "Challenge Rating 1," a Monster Manual classification meant to indicate how challenging the monster is to the normal adventuring group.
- #50 was 50% longer than usual. No such luck for #100.