Zz'dtri has one last trick up his sleeve.
- Vaarsuvius ◀ ▶
- Zz'dtri ◀ ▶
- Yukyuk (dominated) ◀ ▶
- Ranch Dressing Elemental ▶
- Five Soldiers of the Empire of Blood
- Panel 1
Zz'dtri hits the ground with a "WHONK!".
Zz'dtri: Nnnh!
- Panel 2
Zz'dtri is now weak, covered in scratches, and sitting on the floor.
Zz'dtri: ...
Zz'dtri: Cheater.
Vaarsuvius: Oh, heavens! I cannot believe I violated the detailed rules and regulations we agreed upon before beginning this contest!
Vaarsuvius: We must consult the referee for an appropriate penalty regarding my heinous transgression!
- Panel 3
Zz'dtri: Kobold beat me.
Zz'dtri: Not you.
- Panel 4
Vaarsuvius glares angrily and starts to prepare to cast a spell.
- Panel 5
Beat. Vaarsuvius stops and changes their expression to normal.
- Panel 6
Vaarsuvius: Believe what you wish for the last few seconds of your life.
"click. click." is heard from Yukyuk's crossbows.
- Panel 7
Zz'dtri jumps up at Vaarsuvius.
Zz'dtri: Plane Shift!
A portal opens up behind Vaarsuivius, which Vaarsuvius falls into along with Yukyuk.
- Panel 8
Zz'dtri falls to the floor with a "WHUMP!".
- Panel 9
Zz'dtri remains on the floor with his eyes closed.
- Panel 10
A group of guards come and arrest Zz'dtri.
- Panel 11
Meanwhile, Vaarsuvius and Yukyuk fall in some white land with the sounds of "GLOOP! GLOOP!" coming up when they land.
Vaarsuvius: Unnnh!
Creature: Hello, solid ones! What brings you to the Semi-Elemental Plane of Ranch Dressing?
- Panel 12
Vaarsuvius is now standing up.
Vaarsuvius: I was simply wondering if you could undercut the dignity of my legimate victory for me.
Creature: Does that involve dipping broccoli in anything?
Vaarsuvius: Today? Yes.
D&D Context[]
- Plane Shift is a 7th level spell which allows the caster to move up to eight willing creatures to another plane of existence. Or one unwilling creature that fails a Will check.
- In D&D's core settings, the Elemental Planes are four Planes that sit beyond the Material Plane. Aside from the classical four elements, there are also places where the Planes overlap with each other (the Para-Elemental Planes) or the Positive and Negative Energy Planes (the Quasi-Elemental Planes), which represent places where the Plane's element either mixes with another or occupies an unusually high or low state of energy. This includes the Planes of Steam, Salt, Radiance, and Ash. The Semi-Elemental Plane of Ranch Dressing is a parody of these lesser-known and oddly specific dimensions.
- The title of the comic, "Took a Level in Sauceror" is a reference to the Sauceror character class in the surreal MMORPG Kingdom of Loathing.
- This is the first appearance of the Ranch Dressing Elemental.