The Order reaches the heart of the pyramid only moments before the Linear Guild break out of Girard's phantasm to arrive as well.
- The Order of the Stick
- Roy Greenhilt ◀ ▶
- Haley Starshine ◀ ▶
- Elan ◀ ▶
- Belkar Bitterleaf ◀ ▶
- Durkon Thundershield (as vampire) ◀ ▶
- Mr. Scruffy ◀ ▶
- "Durkon" ◀ ▶
- The Linear Guild
- Spiky the Barbed Devil ◀ ▶
- Zz'dtri's Piscodaemon ◀ ▶
- Panel 1
Roy: Whoa…
Roy: Now this room looks like we're starting to make some progress.
- Panel 2
Haley: Be careful, boys—I'm pretty sure that ring will zap you if you cross it.
Elan: Ooo! Then let's double-cross it so it un-zaps us!
Belkar: Guys.
Roy: OK, I think that means you've used up your good ideas for the day.
Belkar: GUYS!
- Panel 3
Belkar: Fascinating discussion and all—but I smell the Linear Guild on the other side of that door.
- Panel 4
Roy: Are you sure? You said you couldn't pick out smells in here.
Belkar: I know the smell of my own blood. But gee, I guess it could be two other people reeking of me.
Haley: There's definitely someone—I can hear them.
- Panel 5
Roy: Damn. They must've caught up while we were dreaming.
Haley: Back to the corridor?
Roy: No—I don't want to risk the runes again. Hide in the corner. Elan, I want an illusion of a wall in front of us.
- Panel 6
Elan: You got it, Roy!
Elan: Silent Image!
An illusory wall appears in front of them.
Belkar: *huff!* *huff!* *huff!*
- Panel 7
Belkar makes it inside the illusion, still out of breath.
- Panel 8
Elan: …Are they coming through or not?
Roy: Don't know. Maybe Girard put the same spell on all the corridors leading to this room.
- Panel 9
Cut to the Linear Guild in a hall identical to the one the Order of the Stick was in during the dream sequence. Purple runes glow on the walls. Nale's eyes are purple spirals.
Malack: Bah! Leave him behind if he cannot resist a simple phantasm!
Zz’dtri: Wait. Stirring.
- Panel 10
Cut to inside Nale's glamour dream. He and Sabine wear crowns and have Haley and Elan stretched out on a rack.
Nale: Hold on—I've been describing my evil scheme for over an hour…and you're still tied up?
- Panel 11
Nale awakens from the phantasm dream.
D&D Context[]
- Silent Image is a 1st level spell which creates a visual illusion. It is a staple of Elan's spell repertoire.
- Illusions that do not make sense to the observer may be disbelieved.
- Undead have a universal immunity to mind-affecting effects, including phantasm spells (that is, illusions that exist in the mind and that only the affected person can perceive).
- Zz'dtri, as a dark elf, has Spell Resistance, giving him a chance to simply ignore most spells targeted at him (and boosted by various means to counter Vaarsuvius), and as an elf wizard, he has both a naturally high Will save and a further boost to it against spells, giving him a further chance to resist it.